tong yuen nowadays are so easy to make.. u jus have to get it in the shopping mall.. frozen. Its nice less work and easy to cook.

still remember when we were young we have to make our own tong yuens, and our tong yuen we have peanut fillings inside. So whenever mom call ur to help, when she look away or go do something else, i will steal those peanut fillings and eat it raw.. dun care.

and now frozen ones which i cant steal anymore, its equally delicious tho, and im surprise coz its delicious.
Tong yuens over, christmas is around the corner, went shopping with my parents n aunty.

Went mid valley, beautiful decoration, n they have this picture taking with santa, all i want was taking it with that santas biatch. LOL

going out with mom and aunt is never a good thing, they are crazy shoppers, but i was force by my mom, she wanted to buy me stuff.. ahah no harm rite. So we split up, me n my dad waited at a coffee shop for like.. HOURS.
Time for lunch.

Gardens YUZU.

Tis pic was rite if front of where we sat, i was sitting in front of it, kept looking at it, i got attracted to it and keep staring at the details and all.. how beautiful

Food came, and it was big ass.

Very very nice

too bad it doesnt show it with my camera phone.

but but.. this beef dish is damn amazing, my first time really first time, when u put it in your mouth, i was thinking i need to chew damn hard coz its in a cube form. When i did the first bite........ u dont heven have to use ur jaw strength. it jus melts in your mouth... a beef melts in your mouth !! CRAZY !

and once again... another broken chopstick from me... wats is this broken chopstick thing with me...

and ya we bought alot of stuff and i did bought some decorations for my room for Christmas, and also do alot aunty stuff like exchanging gifts with points, HAHAHA

here are my pathetic little christmas deco.. very cheap cheap decos,

OH OH OH.. and also my breadou... freshly baked

TADA !! breadou that can be chardou !

now my breadou can join my decos.. jus fyi pikachu santa hat is new not pikachu, had tat pikachu for years liou.

not to leave my spideys also, so had some deco moments with them.

and not that santa hat will stop on my monitor for some time. If you notice i have even change my wallpaper tokis.

see see all change to Christmas feel liou.